Media Files
This is where you can add an manage the media files associated with this entry.
Drag and Drop Upload
You can drag and drop files here to upload and files will be uploaded in the background
Dropbox Audio File
Import files from dropbox. This allows you to import large files in the background while you continue to browse.
Uploaded Media Files
You can manage your uploaded media files here.
Rights Clearning
Use this to clear the rights for other works you used.
Search for works to license by artist name or track name
Rights Search
Get licenses for others media used in this song.
License Advance Payments
Sometimes people will only license something if you pay them a lump sum in advance. This tells you how much you have to pay for all your licenses. Total will be added to your expenses, but if you fail to pay, your license will be invalid.
Advance Licensing Fees %
ClearTracks may charge a percentage on your advances to clear the licenses. This tells you what percent that is. This is on top of the advance itself.
Advance Licensing Fees Amount
This tells you how much you will have to pay in advance clearing fees.
Total Advance Payments
This is the total of advance payments plus advance clearing fees. This is the total you have to pay in advance to clear all the rights you need.
Total per sale royalties
If someone wants a royalty from every sale, this will tell you how much. This will be added to you minimum sales price.
Total Fees per sale %
Cleartracks may charge an additional fee to collect royalties on each sale. This is the percentage it collects on top of royalties.
Total Fees per sale amount
This is the amount of royalty collecting fees charged on each sale.
Minimum Selling Price
The minimum selling price is the lowest unit price you can sell this for and still be able to pay for per-sale royalties and royalty collection fees
The license may impose limitations on which territories you can distribute to. This will give you a summary of the allowed territories
Starting Date
The licenses may impose some limitations on how long you may distribute or sell something. This will tell you the earliest date you can start selling or distributing.
Ending Date
The licenses may impose some limitations on how long you may distribute or sell something. This will tell you the latest date you can sell or distribute it.
Create a release to make your work available to the public.